Join the TRAILBLAZERS Tandem Cycling Club

Welcome to TRAILBLAZERS tandem cycling club!

Memberships are $50. To pay, please submit an Email Money Transfer (EMT) to

Also, kindly submit your Waivers - Waiver (docx) - to

Need more information? Please email

About orientation

Thank you for your interest and we look forward to cycling with you. Please see the quick easy steps to join the club and register for your first orientation on how to ride a tandem.

The orientation is the first step to being on your way. Here is what you can expect from the tandem cycling training. Prior to your cycling adventure we encourage you to review a few short videos so you know what to expect and so you have a head start on how to ride a tandem. Set aside about an hour to enjoy our orientation training videos. You can start and stop at your leisure, visit the orientation tab. All stokers (people with vision loss) and captains (sighted guide volunteers) learn about the importance of communication, basic bike safety and road safety (signaling). If you have any further questions that you would like to discuss in person prior to the orientation session please feel free to email the president, vice president or call (647) 849 - 5900, we are happy to answer any questions or concerns that you have.

Eligibility Criteria:

TRAILBLAZERS has five shed locations in each part of the GTA where you will be asked which ones you would like to ride out of. You may feel free to ride out of the one closest to you or request to be available to ride out of any one of the five shed locations. The Ride Convenor will provide you all locations and record your preferences. Stokers (people with vision loss) and captains (sighted guides) will be matched based on weight, height, experience, availability and shed location. Both stokers and captains choose when they would like to participate in Events, such as individual, small group rides and scheduled club group rides. All rides are coordinated by the TRAILBLAZERS Ride Convenor where all members information is held strictly confidential and only used to coordinate fun and safe rides that adhere to club guidelines.

Whether you are a stoker with vision loss or a volunteer captain, what you don’t know we can teach you. Email the president or vice president to schedule your 2 ½ hour orientation which includes instruction and a small group ride giving you an opportunity to practice what you learned. All orientations are held at CNIB or at our Scarborough location at the Don Montgomery Community Recreation Centre.

Stoker membership fee registration and volunteer captain donations are appreciated, and also directly pays for the cost of club insurance and bike maintenance for over 40 club owned tandems. TRAILBLAZERS is a not-for-profit volunteer run registered charity and works to proactively outreach and bring cycling to the vision loss community.

Email for more information.

Next steps…

  1. Watch TRAILBLAZERS short orientation training videos prior to the orientation (mandatory Video #7 and #8 Stop and Start, and #11, #12 & #13 Gear Shifting)
  2. Visit the Vision Loss Rehabilitation Canada (VLRC) & Traveleyes Sighted Guide Technique Training videos and guiding tips.
  3. Complete the waiver and email the scanned document to the president or vice president requesting an orientation on how to ride a tandem. To process your request quicker email a copy of your waiver and etransfer your registration fee payment ($50). You can hand in the original copy on the day of your orientation.

We welcome all friends and family both individual riders and tandem riders to join us on scheduled group rides even if you are not a member. There is no fee if you decide to join us on your own and meet us at the cycling location. Donations to the club which support access to cycling for the vision loss community is always welcomed and very much needed for bike repair and maintenance. Although we are a recreational cycling club, single riders you may notice that tandem riding typically moves a little faster; therefore this may or may not impact what is generally considered by the TRAILBLAZERS as recreational leisure cycling. Check us out!!! We would like to welcome you to ride with us.


Captains are sighted volunteers who ride on the front of our tandems (bicycles built for two). These volunteers are from the age of 16 & up and who are experienced cyclists. Volunteers are not required to pay for a club membership; however donations are appreciated and go directly to the cost of insurance and tandem repair.


Stokers are people who are blind, deaf-blind or partially sighted cyclists that ride on the back of a tandem. All stokers must pay an annual membership fee to have access to the use of the clubs tandems.

Again the TRAILBLAZERS volunteer Executive Board would like to welcome you to the club!

Telephone: (647) 849-5900
Registered Charity #86786 4753 RR0001